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Profiles (11)

Andy Taylor

Andy is Trust Lead Web Developer at the Education and Leadership Trust and overall responsible for the development of our trust/school websites and VLE’s.

Christopher Coe

Head of Modern Foreign Languages, Coordinator of NQT, ITT & TeachFirst.

Jane Barnes

Teacher of RE and Deputy Headteacher (Teaching and Learning and CPD).

Kate Wragg

Teacher of Computing and Deputy Headteacher (Cross trust lead on E-learning and E-safety).

Patsy Kane OBE MA

Patsy Kane was the Executive Headteacher of the Education and Leadership Trust (ELT) between September 2014 and August 2019. The ELT is a Manchester, UK based Trust, which came into existence in September 2014.

Tom Corney

Teacher of Creative iMedia, CEIAG Coordinator, Media & Communications.

Quality Marks, Awards & Affiliations

Cyber Essentials Certificate logo Real World Learning Awards Winner 2021 logo Confederation of School Trusts logo The East Manchester Academy logo Levenshulme High School logo Whalley Range 11-18 High School logo Whalley Range Sixth Form College logo